We strongly believe in the software development manifesto
  • Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools

    Working Software over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation

    Responding to Change over following a plan

  • Working software is the primary measure of progress

    Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software

  • Welcome changing requirements, even in late development

    Close cooperation between business people and developers

  • Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted

    Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design

  • Simplicity

    Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams

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The will to win, the desire to succeed, and the urge to reach our full potential can all be boiled down to one word: excellence. Commitment to excellence at every stage of software development, from planning to delivery, is the key that unlocks value.

The most impressive feats are accomplished by groups of people, not individuals. We are team players and we hire people with a similar outlook, because the success of our team is integral to our own success.

Knowledge is power and the way to get power is by sharing knowledge. By teaching others, we teach ourselves. Spreading knowledge both within our company and to the world at large is the smart way to do business.

Our QA team constantly betters their expertise so we can eliminate even the smallest bugs. We check for bugs in business logic and in the general codebase.

We hand-pick modern technologies so your software runs smoothly and quickly. We name our objects and classes consistently, and provide detailed comments to every piece of code.

We use various types of encryption and protocols to make your software secure, whether you’re developing a mobile banking app or a HIPAA-compliant medical platform that stores sensitive data.

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Types of contracts we offer

A product planned and delivered by us over multiple milestones for a fixed price. The Fixed price model is suitable for startups and projects with limited project scope. If you have clear requirements and determined deadlines, or limited budget for software development, then fixed price is right choice for you.

A flexible remote team of pre-vetted Senior Developers with relevant experience for your project. Optionally complemented by a Product Manager or Designer. Dedicated Team approach best works for enterprise projects. There are two scenarios - Dedicated team to build a product from scratch and Dedicated team for further development. Whether you need a full project team or you need extra developers to supplement your in-house team for any purposes, Dedicated team model is the right choice. You can take care of all management responsibilities or we can handle everything for you.


We invest time and knowledge into designing your software’s architecture to achieve maintainability and scalability. Using a multi-tiered architecture allows us to improve separate parts of the code as needed.